Response Journal - The lady or the tiger?
This story is a good representation of the way we can blindly trust someone when we're in love. The Young man in this story faced a situation where his life was in the hand of the girl he loved. His love for her was unconditional but in the case of the princess, lots of feelings came in the way of her love for the man and they might have made her do the irreparable. The author wrote this story in a way that the we were in controle of the denouement of the story so the faith of the Young man is up to our imagination. I personnally think that the way he chose to write the story is really original and it made me appreciate the story even more. The way he portrait the character also played a big role in the story. As i began to read the story, i felt like the narrator was insisting too much on the king's personnality but as the story unfolded, we see that his personnality has a big role in the way that the princess thinks. If i had to choose the ending of the story, i would say that the princess pointed the door were the lion was resting because i think that this is what most girls would do if they were in her place. Most girls, when they're in a relationships, get really possesive. In most cases, it is not a bad thing but if they were put in the same situation, i think that they would prefer to see their man die before seeing him in the hand of a another lady knowing that they had control over it.
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