
Film Review

Introduction to Academic Writing   Film Review: ( ​ IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, other) Article title    Death, Taxes, and Dystopia: ‘Divergent’ Is Anything But Special Description   A general review of te movie Divergent. Describes the plot and the major elements that made it a regular or almost bad movie Website name Publisher URL Author/s   Wesley Morris D ate website accessed   10/10/18 Keyword/ques- tions Notes (key ideas and facts) 1.   There’s really no hook and therefore no excitement 2.     But even then, the climactic chases, shootouts, and fistfigh...

Film Essay Outline

FILM ESSAY OUTLINE Title INTRODUCTION Opening Sentence In today’s society, stress has become a big factor of our everyday life. That’s why we, occasionally, enjoy the occasions to get away from everything and relax in front of a movie. There’s been a lot of great movie around but what actually makes a great movie? Thesis Statement   In the 2014 movie Divergent, inspired by Veronica Roth’s best-selling novel of the same title, Neil Burger uses the simplicity of the plot as the key element to catching the viewers’ attention.   PARAGRAPH 1 Main Idea 1   First of all, the plot features a love story between to young adults Evidence/citation   Love movies get a lot of success. It’s appreciated by everybody and is a key to get the public’s attention Main Idea 2   Incorporate a lot of action sc...

Response Journal - The nightingale and the rose

This story wasn't one of my favorite. When I usually read short stories, i expect suspense and tension but The Nightingale didn't meet my expectations. Im not trying to say that it's a bad story, it just wasn't my type. In my opinion, the plot was basic and it was kind of easy to tell what was going to happen. It was more of a fairy tale then a short story to me. A Young man chasing an impossible love but his dear friend is going to make everything in order to make this love story happen. He dies in the process but everything should go well right? Nop, that ''beautiful girl'' that the student was chasing turned him down. I understand the plot twist a the end makes it a short story but it was way to predictable unlike Tell tale heart or The lady or the tiger where i was bitting my nails throughout the story and where the end made my jaw drop. However, one thing that surprised was how ungrateful was the Young student. The Nightingale gave his life away to ...

AWC Pre-test Score


An Occurrence at Owl Creek

2. Reader's response When i first read the last line of the story i was completly shock. As soon as we got into the story and started to think that Farquhar actually had a chance to live, the author chose to abruptly end our hopes. He was dead and the scene that we were reading about was the fruit of his imagination. I really thought that he had a chance to survive so the fact that he died got me really disappointed. The way the author described the actions and the events had me super focus and excited because I really got into the story. I was rooting for Peyton and his chances of seeing his family again but I should've known that I was reading a short story and that in most cases, what i want to happen won't happen. One of the thing that i liked the most about this story is the pace of it. It starts super slow by describing the life of the main character, who he was and the way he used to live and why he was in the situation that he was in. All of a suden we jump i...

Response Journal – The Tell-Tale Heart

If i had to describe this story in a word, confusing would be the best match. As soon as you start reading it, you're put inside the mind of a mad man who's trying to convince himself that he is completly normal. The main charactor, which is the narrator, is putting us through this quest of trying to kill an old man. His quest is animated by hatred. You would probably think that  it is towards the old man but this is where the story gets tricky. Everything was normal between these two characters but the old man had something that made the narrator hated him to the point where he had to kill him. The narrator hated the eye of the old man and it drove him crazy.

Response Journal - The lady or the tiger?

This story is a good representation of the way we can blindly trust someone when we're in love. The Young man in this story faced a situation where his life was in the hand of the girl he loved. His love for her was unconditional but in the case of the princess, lots of feelings came in the way of her love for the man and they might have made her do the irreparable. The author wrote this story in a way that the we were in controle of the denouement of the story so the faith of the Young man is up to our imagination. I personnally think that the way he chose to write the story is really original and it made me appreciate the story even more. The way he portrait the character also played a big role in the story. As i began to read the story, i felt like the narrator was insisting too much on the king's personnality but as the story unfolded, we see that his personnality has a big role in the way that the princess thinks. If i had to choose the ending of the story, i would say tha...